29 November Holiday How-To: Deck the Halls

Posted at 7:14 PM

Our Tips and Tricks for your Holiday Decorating

1. Pick a Pallet

Normally, when we design a home we like each room to have it’s own unique character and feel, while remaining cohesive with the rest of the home’s design. However, when it comes to Holiday décor we suggest picking one color pallet and sticking with it as you move from room to room. It brings consistency through your décor, and keeps things feeling festive without being over-the-top.
Some of our go-to Holiday color pallets are: Classic, Neutral, Playful and Modern

2. De-Clutter as you go

We know you’ve heard about spring cleaning, but we’d like to argue for a good Holiday scrub-down too! One of the biggest mistakes we see when it comes to Holiday decorating is not knowing when to stop. If you’re anything like we are, over the years you’ve accumulated quite the assortment of décor, but just because you have so many options doesn’t mean you have to USE them ALL.
Start with pulling out your favorite pieces that coordinate with your color pallet, and anything that doesn’t fit, save for next year!
We suggest before putting anything up, take things down and simplify the number of nick-knacks and other seasonal décor you have. This lets your holiday items stand front and center without too many cluttered layers.
Don’t have a good place to store your spring and summer décor? How about keeping them in those empty holiday bins until it’s time to pack it back up next year?
While you’re packing away your seasonal items, give everything a good wipe down. Your spring cleaning self will thank you later.

3. Think Outside the Box

When it comes to Holiday décor most people get caught up with the main focal points; like the Mantle, Table-scape or Tree, but there are so many creative spaces to add a little holiday sparkle. Think about what you can add to bookcase, kitchen shelving, or even a bar/coffee cart to liven them up!
While there are many crafty ways to add Holiday decor and seasonal cheer to your home, we hope it’s just icing on the cake to a season filled with full bellies and warm hearts. Happy Holidays!
If you want to learn more about our interior design services contact the team at Aneka Interiors, Inc.